Self-review at all levels diagram text
At board level:
Charter – Vision/Values, Strategic Plan, Annual Plans/Targets
Policies – NAGs 2-6 (See resource E for list of recommended policies and procedures)
Student achievement – The board being informed and involved at a strategic level (for example, working with school leaders to identify priorities and target areas, direct resources, and evaluating progress).
At leadership level:
Modelling and promoting a culture of inquiry.
Focusing on school improvement and student achievement, in relation to the strategic goals.
Analysis of student achievement information.
Evaluating the effectiveness of professional learning and appraisal.
Evaluating quality of teaching and learning programmes.
At classroom level:
The teaching as inquiry model* is an integral part of the New Zealand Curriculum. It establishes an expectation and outlines a process for improving teaching and learning through purposeful evaluations, planned action, strategic teaching, and focused review.
For students, opportunities to provide meaningful and open ended feedback about their experience of the school, for example, teaching, learning, student culture.
For students, developing their capacity for self and peer evaluation, goal setting, and awareness of their next learning steps also reflects the inquiry process at the point of learning.
* See NZ Curriculum: Effective pedagogy (