Items tagged with "Māori student achievement"
Adam Joyce
To make transitions more effective for Māori and Pasifika students with a view to raising achievement in literacy and numeracy in the Eastern cluster.
Tags: Māori student achievement, Transition
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- Adam Joyce
Allott Rex
To investigate programmes and practices that enhance the relationship between families, communities, schools - in particular those that improve the achievement of Māori children and their whānau.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2011
- Allott Rex
Chadwick Christine
Research theories to improve leadership capability and build on new knowledge to implement focused policies and practises that will improve Māori akonga success with learning.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2013
- Chadwick Christine
Conroy Peter
To improve engagement, inclusion and achievement of Māori pupils at Papatoetoe North.
Tags: Māori student achievement, Student engagement
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Conroy Peter
Data at Queen Charlotte College

Seeing the student behind the data is key to decision-making at Queen Charlotte College. This story looks at how multiple strategies, including unbundling data, have made a difference to improving student outcomes at the school.
Tags: Leadership and NCEA, Māori student achievement
Davies-Crook Cheryl
To explore theories and practices that lead to improved learning outcomes for Māori akonga.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Davies-Crook Cheryl
Edwards Carmen
To investigate Ka Hikitia.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Edwards Carmen
Forgie Elizabeth
To research raising Māori achievement and the impact of information technology.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Secondary award recipients 2015
- Forgie Elizabeth
Jepsen Bruce
Develop school's and own leadership capacity to raise Māori achievement.
Tags: Māori student achievement
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Jepsen Bruce
King Lindsay
To investigate and begin to implement effective programmes/innovations to accelerate student achievement in writing, with a particular focus on Māori students.
Tags: Māori student achievement, Priority learners
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- King Lindsay