Administration links

Links to sources of administrative information commonly used by principals. 

On 1 January 2023, the National Education Goals (NEGs) and the National Administration Guidelines (NAGs) ceased to have effect.

Please refer to the following sites for the most up-to-date information:

National Education Goals (NEGs) and National Administration Guidelines (NAGs)

The school planning and reporting framework

General information

National Administration Guidelines (NAGs) – Ministry of Education - please see links above.

National Education Goals (NEGs) – Ministry of Education - please see links above.

National Education and Learning Priorities 2020 – Ministry of Education

Education circulars – Ministry of Education

Education legislation

The Education and Training Act 2020 provides the legal basis for all school operations and processes. It established the present systems of governance and management for state and integrated schools.

Education and Training Act 2020 – Legislation website

Information by NAG

NAG 1: Curriculum delivery and student achievement

Assessment Resource Banks in English, maths, and science – NZCER

e-asTTle – TKI website

Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia | The Māori Education Strategy – Ministry of Education

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa – TKI website

2020 Action Plan for Pacific Education – Ministry of Education

Inclusive education guides – TKI website

The New Zealand Curriculum – TKI website

NZQA website

Cultural competencies for teachers

Tātaiako – Teaching Council

Tapasā – Teaching Council

NAG 2: Planning, reviewing, and reporting

Understanding school charters 

Ongoing school self-review

The school planning and reporting framework – Ministry of Education

NAG 3: Personnel and employment

Understanding school employment

Education and the law: employment

Employment – NZSTA

Applying for registration – Teaching Council

Professional growth cycle - Teaching Council

Creating an induction and mentoring programme – Teaching Council

People and employment – Ministry of Education

Police vetting for schools and kura Māori – Ministry of Education

Schools' payroll – Education Payroll website

NAG 4: Finance and resourcing

Understanding school finances

Banking staffing – Ministry of Education

Funding and financials – Ministry of Education

Operational funding components – Ministry of Education

School funding calculator

School staffing calculator

Payments by parents

School uniforms and supplies (PDF) – Commerce Commission


Understanding school property

Facilities and operations - Ministry of Education

Protecting your school and assets – Fire and Emergency NZ

NAG 5: Safety of students and employees

Health and safety – Ministry of Education

Te Kahu Tōī Intensive Wraparound Service – Ministry of Education. Support for children in Years 0 to 10 with complex behaviour, social and learning needs.

The Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice – NZQA website

EOTC guidelines: bringing the curriculum alive – TKI website

Health and safety FAQs for schools – Worksafe NZ

NAG 6: Comply with all general legislation

Understanding attendance

ENROL - enrolment register – Ministry of Education

Managing student attendance – Ministry of Education

Guidance on Schools - What does the Food Act mean for me? (PDF) – Ministry of Primary Industries

NAG 7: School charter

The school planning and reporting framework – Ministry of Education

NAG 8: Variance

Analysis of variance overview and template – see National Education Goals and National Administration Guidelines - Ministry of Education

Education Review Office information

How ERO reviews

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