What is reviewed?
On 1 January 2023, the National Education Goals (NEGs) and the National Administration Guidelines (NAGs) ceased to have effect.
Please refer to the following pages for the most up-to-date information:
National administration guidelines
The Board is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of school operations are subject to review.
The National Administration Guidelines (NAGS) provide a clear framework for the scope of these reviews:
- Curriculum and learning
- Review
- Personnel
- Property and finance
- Health and safety
- Legislation and attendance
- Annual charter update
- Charter analysis of variance
View the NAGS - Ministry of Education website
You can schedule and manage review of these areas as part of a regular review calendar, developed with the board. Except for NAGs 7 and 8, the timeframe may extend over a two- or three-year cycle. How, when, and with what frequency you will review each area is a decision for individual boards.
For examples of how this could look, see:
BoT self-review calendar example (Word 2007 18 kB)
BoT self-review calendar template (Word 2007 13 kB)
Appraisal schedule (Primary) (Word 103 kB)
Suggested policies and procedures (Word 2007 13 kB)
The charter
Self-review is based around the school charter. The school charter establishes the mission, aims, objectives, and targets for the school in accordance with the requirements of section 61 of the Education Act (1989). It contains:
- a long-term strategic section that establishes, for the next 3–5 years, the board's aims, objectives, directions, and priorities for intended student outcomes, the school’s performance, and use of resources
- an annually updated section that establishes objectives, priorities, and targets for the current year
- objectives, priorities, and targets for student achievement.
NAGs 7 and 8 require schools and boards to conduct an annual review and analysis of progress and achievement against the goals, objectives, and targets in the charter.
Find out more:
Planning and reporting - Ministry of Education website
Planning and reporting preparation checklist - Ministry of Education website