Student management
What are stand-downs and suspensions?

Stand-downs and suspensions are forms of discipline that may be applied in cases of gross misconduct or continual disobedience or where student safety is at risk.
A stand-down from school is for a temporary period defined by the principal. These periods may not exceed 5 school days in any term, or 10 school days in any year. The principal may lift the stand-down at any time.
A suspension is the formal removal of a student from school until the board of trustees decides the outcome at a suspension meeting.
In general, a student who is stood down or suspended is not permitted to attend the school. There are very limited occasions where attendance is permitted.
Education and Training Act 2020, section 80 – Legislation website
The principal has several responsibilities during a stand-down or suspension.
Education and Training Act 2020, section 84 – Legislation website
The Ministry of Education has guidelines on legal options and good practice for schools.
Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines – Part 1 - Ministry of Education.
Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines – Part 2 - Ministry of Education
Updated: August 2020