The materials in this section represent general guidance only and are not a substitute for specific legal, governance, or personnel/industrial relations advice.

Being a good employer
Who is and what is the role of the employer?
Obligations as a good employer under the State Sector Act

Holidays and leave

Acts of relevance to employment
Employment Relations Act 2000: What is good faith?
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015: Duties of officers
Children's Act 2014: Safety checking workers

What happens when an employee’s competence is questioned?
How do you deal with a harassment complaint?

Personal grievance
What is discrimination under the Employment Relations Act?
What if someone other than the employer harasses an employee?
What is racial harassment under the Employment Relations Act?
What is sexual harassment under the Employment Relations Act?

Mandatory reporting
When must a principal report the dismissal or departure of a teacher to the Teaching Council?
Mandatory reporting of possible serious misconduct

Employment: various