Generic reflection tool

These generic questions [ * ] can be used to guide reflective reading of the material referred to on Educational Leaders.

They can be used by individuals or groups, to guide their reflective reading. The list is not intended to be prescriptive.

  • What key issues emerge from this reading?
  • What is my response to the views in the reading?
  • Do I feel "challenged" or "excited" by the reading? Why? Why not?
  • What is the writer's stance or perspective?
  • How do the writer's views match with my own experiences?
  • Does the reading confirm existing good practice in my school?
  • Does the reading challenge practice in my school?
  • How valid are the writer's stated truths and the claims made the writer? (Is the reading substantiated by research or substantial experience?)
  • Is the reading a personal statement or a researched article? Is this relevant?
  • How is the reading relevant to my school?
  • Do I want to use the ideas in this reading? How?
  • Will this reading contribute to any changes in my school?
  • What is something I might change as a result of this reading?
  • Before making the change, how could I test my assumptions that this change is necessary?
  • Who might be affected by the change?
  • How would the change fit into the strategic plan for the school or my department?
  • What specific steps would I take in making the change?
  • How might this change impact on teaching and learning in my school or department?
  • How might this change impact on my leadership practice?
  • How would I evaluate the success of this change?

Suggestions on how to use the readings in groups

  • Undertake readings and prepare responses before the group meeting.
  • Use a response framework for recording responses to the readings (see the example below but customise the questions for your own group).
  • Write in key words as responses to the article alongside the questions.
  • Add in any modification to your initial responses based on group discussions.

Reading response sheet

Reflective questions

Personal response

Response following group discussion

What are the key issues?    

* The questions have been supplied by Dr Eileen Pigot-Irvine.

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