Other issues
What fees can be charged for international students?

The Education and Training Act 2020 governs the fees that must be paid to the board, if an international student is enrolled in a state school.
The Minister has the power to exempt international students of a particular kind or description from the payment of fees.
International student fees
The family of international students must pay a fee which is fixed by the school’s board. The fee must cover the full cost of the student's education.
The amount payable is based on the following:
- The board’s best estimate of the cost of providing tuition in the subject, course or programme for that student.
- An amount that is, in the board’s opinion, an appropriate reflection of the use of the board’s capital facilities by that student in the course or tuition they are receiving.
- The international student levy.
- Any other fees prescribed by the board.
If a board wishes to provide a discount rate for a particular student or group of students, it cannot subsidise this through the operations grant. The board can only use locally raised funds or profit from other international students' fees to cover the discount.
Families can pay the fee in a lump sum or by instalments. If fees are not paid and tuition is received, the fees may be recovered as debt due to the board.
If a student withdraws from tuition, reimbursements may be made having regard to costs incurred by the school.
Education and Training Act 2020, section 521, 522 – Legislation website
International student levy
The Minister sets the fees boards are to pay to the Crown in respect of international students enrolled in a state school – known as the international student levy (ISL).
Education and Training Act 2020, section 523 – Legislation website
International student levy - Ministry of Education website
Updated: August 2020