Primary award recipients 2020

  1. Allomes, Susan

    Terrace End School

    Investigate classroom learning environments that have a focus on learning through play. The direction of including play-based learning appears to provide a natural transition from ECE environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 359 kB)

  2. Asplin, Wayne

    Ngahinapouri School

    Investigate what types of assessment schools are using, how they use this information to inform teaching, and how they share this information with parents, post National Standards.

  3. Augustine, Joanna

    Kaurilands School

    Better understand how I can build effective learning partnerships with our Māori and Pasifika whānau and students to best meet their learning needs. I would like to build genuine relationships that focus on learning and progress, between students, whānau and teachers.

  4. Bates, Diane

    Oruaiti School

    Investigate current years 7–8 programmes to ensure we provide, academically and socially, for a smooth transition of students from our small rural primary school to larger secondary schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 222 kB)

  5. Bennett, Jenny

    Takaka Primary School

    Research into Te Reo Māori by starting the Ataarangi L3 course in 2020 which is local and face to face. I will then use the time during my sabbatical to do more intensive self-led study of Te Reo.

  6. Birch, Daniel

    Hobsonville Point Primary School

    Investigate ways to continue to manage the rapid growth we are facing and will continue to face. The land company here are halfway through the project and we are nearing capacity, so we will continue to grow substantially over the next few years.

  7. Bonisch, Michael

    Christ The King School (Burnside)

    Investigate how principals and lead teachers can make the best use of the resourcing for kāhui ako to provide quality professional learning to classroom teachers, from our eight across COL facilitators.

  8. Bray-Burns, Louise

    Evans Bay Intermediate

    Research ways to better support teacher and principal wellbeing in today's educational climate. Find possible solutions to keep teachers and principals in the profession.

  9. Brooks, Wendy

    Cromwell Primary School

    Deepen our understanding of how to foster effective community/learning partnerships that will support my professional capability as Lead Principal of Te Kāhui Ako o Ngā Awanui.

  10. Brosnahan, Carmel

    St Joseph's School (Timaru)

    Investigate how kāhui ako and individual schools are working across years 7–10 to foster coherent pathways and promote effective transitions.

  11. Burt, Russell

    Point England School

    Provide information and practice knowledge to the New Zealand Aotearoa system. As a partner in the development of the Manaiakalani programme and its seven delivery domains, we have identified a weakness in the domain of leadership for change to raise outcomes in the lowest decile Māori and Pasifika schools and clusters.

  12. Campbell, Sheree

    Hay Park School

    Conduct research into the Maths No Problem programme, which we have been trialling at our school.

  13. Child, Lidsay

    Bayswater School

    Investigate the impact of intersectional disadvantage on children's outcomes, specifically the roles of class and ethnicity, and what the implications are for our school and the New Zealand schooling system as a whole.

  14. Davis, Nigel

    Wesley Intermediate

    Visit the Manaiakalani Outreach schools/clusters in Auckland and other parts of NZ to look at localised curriculum: What is a true localised curriculum? What are schools actually doing to implement a localised curriculum? How are schools getting student voice and community voice to support their localised curriculum?

  15. Dean, Melanie

    Lyall Bay School

    Attend course at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Leadership: An Evolving Vision. The course is aimed at experienced school principals responsible for thinking strategically about their schools.

  16. Dennison, Susan

    Mataura School

    Develop a school, community, Southland understanding of what bilingual learning looks like and how it works. Educate people about whānaungatanga. Unpack what I need to do to lead this in our community.

  17. Donaldson, Janette

    Wiri Central School

    Study Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how this can support diverse learners in schools. Visit schools that are implementing UDL principles. Develop a process for implementing these practices into my school.

  18. Dunsmore, Stephen

    Horsham Downs School

    Write an academic thesis based on research I completed the previous year. I will focus on generating new understandings for the benefit of the wider educational sector.

  19. Field, Brian

    Bethlehem School

    Inquire into Teaching and Learning through Play to consider the benefits that it might bring to junior students at my own school.

  20. Forsyth, Robyn

    Huia Range School

    Explore how schools are using culturally responsive pedagogies and programmes to better meet the needs of their Māori students.

  21. Freke, Marcus

    Endeavour School

    Develop a framework that acknowledges the important role of middle leaders in the operation of a school and identify key leadership skills and dispositions that are specific to middle leader roles.

  22. Gilmore, Christine

    Umawera School

    Develop a better understanding of digital learning and how I can incorporate this in my teaching practice, so that my practice is all encompassing for all learners. Study and participate in students' learning in a variety of school settings from the Far North to Dunedin.

  23. Grant, Joanna

    Upper Hutt School

    Investigate collaborative and proactive solutions to challenging behaviour, including the Collaborative Proactive Solution (CPS) model as well as frameworks to help understand and support trauma and attachment issues. Talk with specialists/clinical and educational experts to ensure theoretical and practical outcomes.

  24. Greatorex, Natasha

    Whakamarama School

    Investigate the conditions that enhance student agency with a specific focus on place-based learning. Explore strategies and approaches that develop agentic learners.

  25. Hammond, Colin

    Okains Bay School

    Participate in Te Ahu o te Reo Māori ki Ngāi Tahu in order to grow the capacity to use te reo Māori in my kura/school, to incorporate cultural narratives in my school’s practice, and to create rōpū/groups of teachers who are able to support one another.

  26. Hawes, Fiona

    Tauranga Primary School

    Develop a sustainable school-wide wellbeing strategy for Tauranga Primary School, investigating related best practice in school leadership.

  27. Hayward, Andrew

    Gisborne Central School

    Investigate how an integrated curriculum based around STEM/STEAM is effective for raising students' achievement and engagement.

  28. Healy, Denyse

    Blenheim School

    Investigate wellbeing tools and models used in New Zealand schools and international models, with a focus on Māori student wellbeing.

  29. Howard, Lorraine

    St Joseph's School (Feilding)

    Identify the actions of culturally responsive teachers; read relevant literature from the Ministry of Education and the Education Council; gather information from questionnaires and visiting schools and talking with principals, teachers, students, and whānau.

  30. Hull, Christine

    View Road School

    Investigate learning opportunities relating to local context curriculum, including the links between a localised curriculum and the implementation of effective place-based theory into that curriculum.

  31. Jackson, Susan

    West Melton School

    Investigate the need for high quality, effective, and successful mentoring and coaching models for first time principals.

  32. Jacobs, Corrie

    Nelson Christian Academy

    Research the history of state-integrated schools in New Zealand, including the development of their curriculums, and how effectively they integrate their special character.

  33. Jones, Shirley

    Kimi Ora School

    Examine how schools sustain effective and dynamic leadership, particularly during roll growth and expansion across satellites. Assess whether schools that use coaching and mentoring to support leadership development and high quality teaching and learning are able to sustain their effectiveness and focus on student outcomes.

  34. Leov, Deborah

    Linkwater School

    Examine how teaching principals manage the complexities of their roles, including what strategies they use to ensure long term sustainability and personal well being.

    Download: Full report (PDF 122 kB)

  35. Linders, Chris

    St Joseph's School (Stratford)

    Compare curriculum delivery by schools in Finland, the Netherlands, England, and Canada, with particular attention to local curriculums, the role of digital fluency, and transitions to schools.

  36. Lovelock, Timothy

    Waipahihi School

    Investigate the challenges of successful principal succession and transition planning from a New Zealand perspective.

  37. Maclean, Danielle

    Koputaroa School

    Assess whether a conceptual curriculum that enables teachers to explore a concept in-depth throughout the year, is the most effective way to ensure curriculum coverage, particularly for schools with a localised curriculum.

  38. Malcolm, Mike

    Leamington School

    Unpack the Tū Rangatira leadership framework through the lens of mainstream education and leadership literature. Endeavour to develop a practical tool that supports middle and senior leaders to inquire into their practices within their particular contexts.

  39. Mantell, Helen

    Southern Health School

    Investigate how schools in New Zealand and overseas support students to successfully return to school after long term illness. Identify barriers to transition and investigate strategies that help to minimise or eliminate these factors.

  40. McCall, Bronwyn

    Waikaka School

    Review current and emerging research on place-based education and local curriculum development as part of a Masters of Contemporary Education research project.

  41. McDonald, Justine

    Waimea Intermediate

    Complete professional development in growth instructional coaching accreditation with the aim of coaching other leaders in the school to improve progress and achievement for target students.

  42. McDonald, Susan

    St Therese School (Three Kings)

    Examine James Anderson's ideas on growth mindset, habits of mind, and virtuous practice, as well as search for study opportunities.

  43. McGowan, Simon

    Opua School

    Investigate how fluid the New Zealand education system is in allowing for movement of educational professionals between the primary and secondary sectors.

    Download: Full report (PDF 110 kB)

  44. Meynell, Christopher

    Marewa School

    Investigate culturally responsive pedagogies and learning approaches that are creating positive learning outcomes for priority learners. Gather information about how cultural relationships are reflected in the pedagogy and curriculum of schools.  

    Download: Full report (PDF 281 kB)

  45. Milner, Helen

    Redoubt North School

    Research and develop a schoolwide resource using the LEGO Education System for Learning that will enhance the learning, personal development and wellbeing of all children.

  46. Montford, Rodney

    Glen Massey School

    Meet with key personnel in kura in the Waikato and Gisborne regions to gain insight into what they have done in their schools and communities to engage Māori students in their learning.

  47. Mulholland, Susan

    St John's School (Ranfurly)

    Investigate how teachers are incorporating students' agency and self-directed learning into their classrooms.

  48. Neave, Vicki

    Clinton School

    Investigate how students involved in the dairy sector can successfully transition between schools, ensuring continued academic progress and enhanced student wellbeing.

  49. Nott, David

    Mayfield School (Blenheim)

    Research best practice at tier three in PB4L across New Zealand schools. As part of this, carry out professional reading, talk to principals and teachers working in successful programmes, and attend the 2020 PB4L Conference (New Zealand).

  50. O'Connor, Gaye

    Carlton School

    Explore how English-medium schools foster and celebrate culture and identity, and integrate Māori worldview into their programmes. Reflect on our school's journey to date and how we might continue to develop and improve on practices currently in place.

  51. O'Donnell-Chapman, Karen

    Wairau Valley School (Blenheim)

    Investigate the strategies and approaches used by schools to support genuine learning partnerships and culturally-responsive relationships with students and whānau.

  52. O'Regan, Domini

    Maidstone Intermediate

    Inquire into the development of a rich local curriculum that addresses the needs of all students, particularly Māori students.

  53. Otene, Janice

    Rewa Rewa School

    Examine the benefits of introducing a mindfulness programme to support on-going student wellbeing.

  54. Pentecost, Craig

    Omokoroa School

    Research meaningful ways to engage and improve learning for akonga, by moving to a broader focus on pedagogies and critical reflective practice, using virtual reality experiences.

  55. Petrie, John

    Huapai District School

    Explore thinking around the leadership and organisational structures that generate higher levels of workplace engagement.

  56. Pick, Kathryn

    Eltham School

    Visit low decile schools to see how they engage whānau and school community to create learning partnerships.

  57. Price, Daniel

    Arahunga School

    Research and make recommendations around improving the sustainability of specialist teacher outreach services across New Zealand.

  58. Ramsay, Jonathan

    Edendale School (Auckland)

    Investigate the effects of play on children's learning and wellbeing.

  59. Raynes, Diane

    Bayview School

    Investigate how play-based learning at junior level could be implemented across other areas of the school. Visit a range of schools that have been on the same journey and compare my observations with the latest research.

  60. Rehu, Maurice

    Irongate School

    Explore the acceleration of Māori and Pasifika achievement with whānau and community as learning partners. Aim to challenge stereotypes of success, and to create new structures that could be super-imposed on any school setting or learning community to enrich the learning culture.

  61. Reiri, Joanne

    North Street School

    Research and expand on the strategies that are affecting the achievement of our young people.

  62. Rhodes, Elizabeth

    Brooklyn School (Wellington)

    Research effective strategies for building strong partnerships (whānaungatanga) with parents and caregivers. I will have a particular focus on strengthening connections and engagement with Māori and Pasifika families in decile 10 communities.

  63. Roberts, Maryann

    Aranui School (Wanganui)

    Develop my professional knowledge about the pedagogy and practices of the Walker Learning Approach.

  64. Rodgers, Jennifer

    St Clair School

    Explore learning through play for children aged 7–11, including how to implement it in ways that challenge the thinking of the children, stretch their learning, and ensure they experience a rich and varied curriculum.

  65. Roil, Sarah

    Kowhai School

    Research international studies on play-based learning within a special education context. Explore effective ways to implement, assess and track the development play skills for this group of students in order to support teachers to recognise and guide the development of play for young people who are neuro-diverse.

  66. Rush, Robin

    Clearview School

    Investigate how schools can implement coaching models that challenge and enrich the practice of the learner. Explore how coaching can be used to support staff at various levels of the school.

  67. Salisbury, Jonathan

    Harrisville School

    Build my understanding of learner agency in order to develop leadership of student agency in my own practice, as well as develop an action plan to implement effective initiatives that will accelerate learner agency, engagement and student achievement in our school. 

  68. Scanlan, Andrea

    Konini Primary School (Wainuiomata)

    Undertake professional learning to increase my knowledge of RP, and support my personal and professional development for using RP and other approaches.

  69. Schaw, Alastair

    Kairanga School

    Investigate the impact of the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) in PaCT Support Schools across New Zealand.

  70. Schaw, Elizabeth

    St Anne's School (Wanganui)

    Investigate the impact of the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) in PaCT Support Schools across New Zealand.

  71. Singh, Vimalrai

    Pakaraka School

    Investigate the engagement of Māori students using digital technologies and STEAM in mainstream primary schools, focusing on digital tools and technologies for the primary school sector that promote innovative thinking and creativity.

  72. Sizemore, Fiona

    Liberton Christian School

    Better understand the cultural needs and educational expectations of our school community so we can provide the best education for each child.

  73. Skilton, Matthew

    Tahatai Coast School

    Explore ways in which my school, and the schools of my Mount Maunganui community of learning, can implement and use their unique context and localised curriculum to support staff to successfully engage in, and capitalise on, the cultural competencies identified in the Tātaiako document.

  74. Smith, Andrew

    Windsor North School

    Investigate the implications of a shift to online reporting in New Zealand primary schools. Examine available online reporting systems, and visit schools currently using or planning to use this form of reporting, to gain an understanding of the benefits and challenges.

  75. Snell, Stephen

    Dannevirke South School

    Inquire into the strategies and actions taken by kāhui ako that lead to improved learning outcomes for all students, with particular reference to Māori and student with special learning needs.

  76. Spencer, Michelle

    Rapaura School

    Explore the relationship between pedagogy and students’ learning, seeking voice from our learning partners with the aim of creating a cultural and relational reporting system that is easily understood by all partners.

  77. Stevens, Kay

    Riversdale School

    Explore programmes that ensure educational success and enhance life opportunities for all students, including Māori and non-Māori, and children who come from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

    Download: Full report (PDF 630 kB)

  78. Stevens, Vernon

    Selwyn Park School

    A comparative study on the strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences in the accessibility to services and equipment that enhance day-to-day lives, here in New Zealand and in England. Increase my knowledge of what is, and what could or should be, available, without parents having to fight, for children and their families here in New Zealand.

  79. Stobbs, Karen

    Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ

    Evaluate what factors are leading to positive change for those BLENNZ staff who are beginning to integrate effective relationship processes, based on the empathically guided partnership model introduced to us by What it Takes (WiT).

  80. Stokes, Toby

    Crofton Downs Primary School

    Participate in the Harvard Graduate School of Education seven-day course 'Leadership: An Evolving Vision'.

  81. Taylor, David

    Fernside School

    Investigate how to build teachers' individual and collective capacity to attend to the needs of every student.

  82. Te Ua, Vanessa

    Marton Junction School

    Investigate cultural responsiveness and schools' plans to raise Pasifika achievement, focusing on what academic and cultural expectations the Pasifika community have for their children who attend our New Zealand schools.

  83. Tester, Kay

    Saints Peter and Paul School (Lower Hutt)

    Investigate the workforce-related challenges and opportunities in the provision of learning support. Also look at how a strengthened teacher-aide role could help meet the needs of diverse learners, including those with disabilities and additional learning needs.

  84. Thelwall, Julie

    Argyll East School

    Investigate leadership capabilities in schools that are successfully integrating STEM and STEAM into their local curriculums. Examine whether the integration had a positive impact on priority learners and student engagement, and how we could use this information to improve student achievement for priority learners.

  85. Tombs, Mary-Angela

    St Teresa's School (Karori)

    Participate in the Harvard Graduate School of Education seven-day course 'Leadership: An Evolving Vision'.

  86. Turnbull, Steven

    Concord School

    Review and build on existing teaching strategies and learning programmes that support positive behavior, and the social and emotional wellbeing of our students.

  87. Wadworth, Cheryl

    Whitney Street School

    Explore how to cater for the increasing number of students in my school who have challenging behaviours.

  88. Watson, Michelle

    Mosston School

    Explore the use of learning maps to support growth in students' agency and disposition.

  89. Waymouth, Simon

    Lake Tekapo School

    Examine different models that drive positive practice in our schools.

  90. Weir, Elizabeth

    Rawhiti School

    Examine complex issues arising from the process of merging three schools into one in post-earthquake Christchurch. Define the key steps taken in creating a culture for a new school that the wider community did not want, and implementing a teaching and learning pedagogy that teachers were not necessarily experienced in.

  91. Weldon, Jillian

    Te Puke Intermediate

    What we've learned about developing cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy in the three years I was the lead principal of Te Kāhui Ako o Te Puke.

  92. Wellington, Karen

    Māoribank School

    Undertake investigative practice into personal wellbeing. For example, exercise regime, developing a dietary menu, mediation/spiritual health, and yoga.

  93. Western, John

    Seatoun School

    Investigate practices for developing learner agency, particularly in maths and writing.

  94. Whitaker, Sara

    Waihola District School

    Explore how New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL) can strengthen our efforts to co-create a rich, localised, future-focused curriculum, and to be inclusive of and meet the changing needs of the community.

  95. Wilde, Shelley

    Tainui School

    Explore deep learning in order to provide effective leadership of purposeful and relevant professional development for my staff.

  96. Wilkinson, Andrew

    Gilberthorpe School

    Investigate what strategies and practices have been successful in supporting trauma-impacted students and whānau, in the wake of tragic events.

  97. Williamson, Lorraine

    Opunake School

    Investigate the effective implementation of digital learning and STEM – pedagogy, the implementation process, and resourcing, in schools.

  98. Wilson, Brendan

    Te Ranga School

    Investigate the effectiveness of play-based learning approaches and hands on programmes, like bush classrooms, in junior schools, as an approach to raise the achievement of Māori boys.

  99. Wilson, Rex

    Taradale Intermediate

    Investigate sustainable teina/tuakana relationships in schools and explore Tū Rangatira, a framework for leaders. Relate these to growth coaching models, with particular emphasis on models that support Māori and Pasifika learners.

  100. Wilson, Scott

    Puahue School

    Identify how schools are successful in offering equitable digital technology learning for students, where equity of access to professional development and staff professional capacity are real or perceived barriers. 

  101. Wright, Suzanne

    Otewa School

    Research on developing best practice for iwi and whānau consultation in our community.

  102. Wypych, Jurek

    St Patrick's School (Napier)

    Explore how leaders can effectively implement new and proven strategies and practices to enhance the wellbeing of staff and students.