Professional information

This section has leadership capabilities, professional standards, resources, and perspectives on school leadership.
Educational leadership capability framework
Describes a set of core capabilities to guide leadership development in different spheres of influence, in early childhood education services, kura and schools.
Professional standards for primary school principals
Information from the Primary Principals' Collective Agreement.
Professional standards for area school principals
Information from the Area School Principals' Collective Agreement.
Professional standards for secondary school principals
Information from the Secondary Principals' Collective Agreement.
Professional learning and development planning
A resource to help principals and boards of trustees identify professional learning for the principal at each stage of his or her career.
Succession planning
Giving opportunities for others to lead is an important part of succession planning for the principal’s role.
Rauhuia | Leadership space
Rauhuia | Leadership Space serves as a tūāpapa, a foundation, to help teachers build their leadership in the lives of children, young people, and the community. The space includes Leadership strategy | Rautaki kaihautū – a guiding framework for building leadership capability and growing leaders at all levels.
Related pages
Online tools and resources - Links to tools and journals useful to school leaders.