Leading from the middle: case studies
These case studies highlight aspects of the middle and senior leadership practice described in Leading from the Middle.
They will be of value to middle and senior leaders working in professional learning groups, and to mentors and coaches.
Download complete set of case study video transcripts and reflective questions.
LftM case study materials (PDF 747 kB)
Case study 1:
Anne Coster: Enhancing teaching and learning
Anne Coster describes how a student leadership project was the logical conclusion of several years of intensive curriculum implementation and review.
Exploration of the curriculum values, principles, and key competencies was followed up by a cross-curricular focus on pedagogy. Teachers worked across learning areas to observe different contexts and teaching styles.
This willingness to collaborate led to a culture of trust among the staff and a paradigm shift in the relationship between teachers and students. The staff realized their inquiry into practice would not be complete without the students' voices.
Case study 2:
Brian Filipo: Leading change
Brian Filipo had a clear vision when he began as deputy principal at Brockville School. His background in ICT teaching and sales had given him the opportunity to see ICT in practice in a range of schools.
He promptly began to implement a suite of new technology, including computers, interactive whiteboards, a new school website, a student management system, and a wireless connection.
On reflection, Brian thinks that he brought in the changes too quickly. The technical nature of ICT means that staff require in-depth support, and he now recognises the importance of ensuring that teachers understand the purpose of any change implementation.
Case study 3:
Iain McGilchrist: Network learning communities
Iain McGilchrist is a member of a network learning community for secondary English middle leaders.
The Dunedin-based community meets several times a year to discuss experiences and issues related to teaching English.
Iain finds that sharing his experiences with colleagues from other schools has meant he doesn’t feel like he is reinventing the wheel.
Participating in learning communities or presenting a paper at a conference provides personalised learning that directly improves his practice.
Case study 4:
Carol Jarrett: Leading pedagogical change
Carol Jarrett uses the teaching as inquiry approach in her department to investigate what she labels “problems of practice”.
Carol shares her experiences in the classroom with colleagues, encouraging an environment where teachers feel safe to talk about their practice.
They reframe the conversation using the teaching as inquiry tool – describe the problem, identify possible solutions, make a change, evaluate.
Carol recognises that teachers need to take ownership of the process if the change is to be successful. She says it is important for participants to understand the change – what it is and why it is being prioritised.
Case study 5:
Hurae White: Distributed leadership and manaakitanga
Hurae White describes the leadership structure at Nawton School as “distributed”. Teachers from each syndicate are represented in the leadership team, creating a collaborative approach within the school.
Hurae identifies manaakitanga as a core value that, in practice, means the leadership team support each other and the rest of the teaching staff.
Teachers are encouraged to take on leadership roles and responsibilities and are provided with appropriate support. One teacher, with expertise in pāngarau, was nominated to lead a focused mathematics programme in the immersion class. She worked with an adviser and two other teachers to improve student outcomes and also increase their own knowledge.
Case study 7:
In these three videos two senior leaders and one middle leader talk about their roles and their professional ambitions.
Anuja Singh: Leading learning and leading change
Anuja Singh has particular responsibility for maths. She works directly with the four maths mentors in the school who in turn work with classroom teachers.
Louise Miller: Pedagogical leadership in maths
A key role for leaders who are subject specialists is the mentoring of other teachers. Maths specialist Louise Miller describes the process that the school has developed around teacher mentoring.
Melinda Bell: Awhinatanga
Melinda Bell has her view fixed on principalship. She is currently a senior leader in her school and has a wide range of leadership responsibilities. She want to become a principal because she recognises how influential the role is.
Case study 8:
In these two videos a deputy principal and a literacy leader discuss their work in New Zealand's largest primary school. The majority of its students are Māori and Pasifika, with students from a wide range of other ethnicities. It has no European students.
Nardi Leonard: Pono
Nardi Leonard talks about her leadership journey in this video and why she relishes the challenge of working at the school.
Sumithra Naidoo: Pedagogical leadership in literacy
Sumithra Naidoo describes how she has grown in confidence in her role as a literacy leader. She works closely with beginning teachers and those new to the school.
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