Items tagged with "priority learners"
Noble-Campbell Anthony
Focus on the concept of accelerated progress for Māori and Pasifika students who are below the National Standards.
Tags: Māori student achievement, Priority learners
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- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2014
- Noble-Campbell Anthony
Penman Mark
To investigate the positive impact of restorative practice in schools with particular focus on priority learners.
Tags: Priority learners
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Penman Mark
Potter Maria
Investigate the wellbeing and personal resilience of Pasifika girls.
Tags: Priority learners, Wellbeing
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Secondary award recipients 2019
- Potter Maria
Reardon, David; Peck Debra; Huddleston, Lynne
Inquire into the critical factors required for all students to successfully and extensively manage/lead their own learning, and research how this approach could facilitate accelerated learning in priority learners.
Tags: Priority learners
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2014
- Reardon, David; Peck Debra; Huddleston, Lynne
Shearer Cleve
To increase professional understanding of and capability in using evidence and inquiry based leadership to raise achievement of priority learners. The particular focus will be on extending and applying this practice in an intermediate school context for middle years priority students who have had years of achievement challenges.
Tags: Priority learners
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2014
- Shearer Cleve
Thompson Teresa
To research and read into teaching and learning programmes of the Pacific Islands.
Tags: Priority learners
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2015
- Thompson Teresa
Vanderpyl Richard
Research institutions and schools involved in the highly regarded National College of School Leadership (UK) Within-School Variation project.
Tags: priority learners
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- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Area award recipients 2016
- Vanderpyl Richard
Watson Andrew
Investigate proven ways in which the progress of children who are achieving below what is expected of children in their cohort in writing can be accelerated.
Tags: Priority learners
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Primary award recipients 2014
- Watson Andrew
Wright Mike
Review programmes which work alongside schools to engage at risk young people.
Tags: Priority learners
- Home
- Leadership development
- Principals' sabbatical reports
- Report archives for 2007–2018
- Secondary award recipients 2018
- Wright Mike