New Zealand articles and resources
Teaching, learning and leading
A thought-provoking interview with Professor John Hattie in which he sets out his eight mind frames for leaders and teachers from his research and book on ‘visible learning’.
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Evidence-based leadership
by John Hattie
In this 12-minute video Professor John Hattie reports on the evidence about what makes a difference for students’ learning. He takes a provocative approach, questioning a number of the widely-held beliefs about what teachers can do to improve student learning.
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Elements of teaching effectiveness
This article aims to help you conceptualise what it means to teach effectively and, in so doing, to help you answer the question: How will I know that there is effective teaching happening in the school?
The cultural myths and realities of teaching and learning
by Graham Nuthall
This article describes Professor Graham Nuthall’s personal journey as a classroom researcher and the ground-breaking research he conducted with Dr Adrienne Alton-Lee. This research challenged the assumption of many educators, that teaching necessarily equals learning.
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