Professional learning: leading culture

This excellent and engaging seven-page resource is part of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership’s Essential guide to professional learning series. It is useful as a discussion document for leadership teams who are inquiring into the structures and approaches they have for teacher professional learning and development (PLD).

The resource examines a range of priorities for leading a professional learning culture in a school.

Each school must have:

  • a holistic learning culture
  • continuous learning
  • consideration of teachers and how they prefer to learn
  • how teachers as adults learn.

There are examples of effective strategies, features of effective professional learning, and an example in action of what leadership of a professional learning culture looks like.

The resource reminds us that changing the practice of teachers is all about improving outcomes for students. It also reminds us that supporting teachers’ opportunities for reflection on what they are doing is important, which means the involvement of teachers in planning and implementing changes.

There is a useful reference section.

Reflective questions

  • How do you and your leadership team support and encourage the learning of others around you?
  • How can you use the Adults learn best… (p.3) diagram in planning approaches to PLD?
  • What are the different circumstances of your students, their ways of living, that you and your teachers need to take account of to plan teacher learning that will advantage student learning outcomes?
  • How do you develop and maintain an effective culture of continuous learning and collective responsibility for change among your teachers?
  • It is not straightforward for you and the leadership team to bring about changes the improve teaching and learning, so how do you achieve a balance in your school between established ways of doing things and innovation?


The Essential Guide to Professional Learning: Leading Culture. Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.

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