He kaiwhakarite - manager
“E kore te matau e rawe ki te moana takai ai, engari anō a uta”
Effective and efficient management of people, environments and education that transforms teaching and learning communities
The kaiwhakarite leadership role involves effective and efficient management of the operational aspects of the kura, with a focus on systems that support its educational goals.
The kaiwhakarite role includes managing people, resources, administrative systems and teaching and learning programmes to produce outcomes that positively transform learning communities. The kaiwhakarite manages change; builds capacity in key roles; fosters a culture of positive collaboration, commitment, motivation and deepened learning; and raises expectations in order to bring about continuous improvement and success for learners.
Key focus area: mana mokopuna
Goal: To manage the kura in a way that works towards realising learners’ potential and success as Māori both in Aotearoa and in the wider world
Leadership practice:
- managing streamlined systems for teachers, learners and whānau
- managing timetabling for learners and staff that is clear, consistent and well planned
- managing staff and resources efficiently, allowing the focus of kura to be teaching and supporting learners’ learning, achievement and success
- ensuring learning is prioritised
- ensuring that learners’ and whānau’s presence, engagement and retention in education is maintained and promoted
- planning and coordinating regular measurement of learners’ progress
- maintaining efficient information and storage systems
- encouraging learners to take individual responsibility for time management
- ensuring appropriate policies and procedures are in place to support learners’ success
- fostering a culture of positive collaboration, commitment and motivation, to bring about continuous improvement in learners’ potential and success
- encouraging collective professional learning communities within and across the kura in order to achieve better learner outcomes
Key focus area: mana wairua
Goal: To support and protect the well-being of learners, staff and whānau Leadership practice:
- managing systems and practices that encourage and support personal contentment as a key component of well-being
- supporting learners, staff and kura through personal and professional challenges
- managing staff according to correct procedures, supported by effective policy
Key focus area: mana tangata
Goal: To deal with people in a way that preserves mana and self-respect Leadership practice:
- maintaining an open management style in which learners and staff are encouraged to contribute towards what works best for the kura
- planning and implementing staff professional development opportunities
- maintaining a ‘human face’ and adopting a management style that demonstrates a genuine caring nature through kindness, approachability and understanding
- exercising a management philosophy that shows compassion for learners and staff under stress or personal hardship
- ensuring whānau are given opportunities to contribute towards management practices
- ensuring whānau are well informed of management policy, procedure and protocols
- securing whānau confidence and trust in the management of the kura
- developing succession plans for emerging kura leadership
Key focus area: mana reo
Goal: To ensure the use of te reo Māori in management systems Leadership practice:
- investing time and resources in the professional development of staff to strengthen their knowledge of, and proficiency in, te reo Māori
- developing and implementing staff recruitment policies in which the necessary competencies in and commitment to te reo Māori are explicit
Key focus area: mana tikanga
Goal: To manage the kura in a way that acknowledges and respects tikanga Leadership practice:
- investing time and resources in the professional development of staff to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of tikanga Māori
- developing staff recruitment policies in which the neccessary competencies in and commitment to tikanga Māori are transparent
Key focus area: mana mātauranga
Goal: To use mātauranga Māori in management policies and practices Leadership practice:
- ensuring management practices are underpinned by values, knowledge and skills derived from a distinct mātauranga Māori base
- providing direction school-wide for staff to engage in inquiry learning and action research to identify sound mātauranga and gather evidence to support learner learning
- developing management systems, policies and protocols based on sound tikanga principles to plan, develop and manage the provision of high-quality educational programmes to achieve valued learner outcomes
Key focus area: mana ā-kura
Goal: To manage teaching and learning programmes to achieve positive learner outcomes Leadership practice:
- developing and managing school-wide systems that provide high-quality programmes to support and extend learners’ capabilities to realise their potential as Māori
- developing a self-review process to monitor and examine the progress the kura is making compared to previous years in literacy and numeracy
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