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School enrolment and attendance

Who must be enrolled in a registered school?

All domestic students must be enrolled in a registered school from when they turn six until they turn sixteen.

Governance and management

Governance and management

School enrolment and attendance

When may a principal excuse a student from mandatory attendance?

A principal may exempt a student from attendance in three situations.

School enrolment and attendance

What are the obligations of the school where an enrolled student is truant or habitually late?

All students must be enrolled in a registered school and must also attend that school whenever it is open.

School enrolment and attendance

Under what circumstances can a student be precluded from attending school?

The principal of a school may preclude a student from attending because they have reasonable grounds to believe the student may have a communicable disease within the meaning of the Health Act 1956. 

Student management

What are stand-downs and suspensions?

Stand-downs and suspensions are forms of discipline that may be applied in cases of gross misconduct or continual disobedience or where student safety is at risk.



Student management

What is expulsion or exclusion?

Exclusion and expulsion are methods of permanently barring a suspended student from attending a particular school.

Student management

In what situations may the principal stand-down or suspend a student?

In order to stand-down or suspend a student, the principal must be satisfied on reasonable grounds that the student has displayed the following:

Student management

What is a suspension meeting?

A school’s board must have a meeting to determine what action to take regarding a suspended student.

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