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1. School leadership is intentional and direct

4. The challenges are worth it

2. School-wide collective responsibility for raising student achievement

Professional information

This section has leadership capabilities, professional standards, resources, and perspectives on school leadership.

Guides for managing your school

Practical guides for first-time principals on systems such as finance, employment, and property.

Leading and managing change

Managing school change is one of the most complex school leadership tasks. School leaders need to understand the change process to lead and manage change, and improvement efforts effectively.

Creating and maintaining school cultures in times of change

by Chris Callaghan

This research describes interviews with several Christchurch principals as they created and maintained school cultures during the Canterbury earthquakes. The implications apply to any school going through major change.

Personal cost of change

An experienced principal at a new school tries to bring about changes that will lead to a more supportive and inclusive professional culture for the improvement of teaching and learning. The staff are resistant to the changes and wish to continue with the status quo. The four-year change process was more complex, longer than expected, and resulted in much stress and heartache. It caused the principal to question her values, beliefs, and leadership style.

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