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  • Pullar, Noelene

    Tarras School

    How small schools can work collaboratively to improve student achievement in their schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 40 kB)

  • Self-review at all levels diagram text

  • Schuyt, Robert

    Cust School

    Identify the unique needs of Year 7 and 8 children: putting suitable curriculum and extra-curricular programmes in place, growing opportunities for them to become leaders, and acknowledging their roles in the school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

  • Julies, Yolanda

    Waikirikiri School

    To undertake research into critical success factors for effective school management and leadership in order to take leadership practice to the next level.

    Download: Full report (PDF 652 kB)

  • Bullôt, Carmel

    St Patrick's School (Panmure)

    To investigate how student led conferences support and enhance student achievement, student engagement, and parental/whānau engagement in student learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 439 kB)

  • McGuinness, Paul

    Campion College

    Reviewing the literature on personalising learning for students and developing a model of practice that can be used by a secondary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 212 kB)

  • Brooks, Peter

    Freyberg High School

    To improve my understanding of how schools and can best prepare students to be the 21st century innovative thinkers that educationalists, academics and other writers claim that our future citizens need to be.

    Download: Full report (Word 585 kB)

  • Barker, Paul

    Kaeo School

    To visit similar schools (low decile, largely Māori, rural) and to read, reflect upon, and investigate methods and strategies that are used in other schools that lead to success in mathematics.

    Download: Full report (PDF 92 kB)

  • Olsen, Paul

    St Kevins College (Oamaru)

    To investigate and observe initiatives aimed at increasing student engagement and achievement and to deepen personal understanding of education in the Edmund Rice tradition.

    Download: Full report (PDF 415 kB)

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