Secondary senior managers' sabbatical reports

This area lists secondary senior manager (SSM) sabbatical award recipients and reports by year. It also has information on the sabbatical award scheme.
Award recipients and sabbatical reports
The Ministry of Education hosts sabbatical reports on Educational Leaders as part of the sabbatical scheme agreements. While the sabbatical reports may be of interest to viewers, their content is not owned, controlled, or necessarily endorsed by the New Zealand Ministry of Education.
Downloading reports
If a name does not have an downloadable file underneath it, then no report has been submitted to Educational Leaders.
About the sabbatical leave scheme for SSMs
Paid sabbaticals of 10 weeks’ (one term) duration are available to senior managers in state or state integrated secondary schools as part of their career pathway. Leave is provided to engage in professional learning activities. There are 10 awards available each year.
For information, guidelines, and application forms about the sabbatical scheme, go to the TeachNZ website:
Secondary senior managers' sabbatical leave scheme
Writing your report
If you have received a sabbatical award, use these guidelines to write or check your report. Please ensure any photographs or diagrams in your report comply with New Zealand's privacy and copyright laws.
Sabbatical report writing guidelines (Word 56 kB)
Submitting your report
Please send completed reports to TeachNZ at: