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Kiwi leadership for principals: principals as educational leaders

The main purpose of Kiwi Leadership for Principals (2008) is to present a model of leadership that reflects the qualities, knowledge, and skills required to lead New Zealand schools from the present to the future. At the heart of the model is a clear focus on how we can work together to improve educational and social outcomes for all our young people.

Key principal leadership activities

Areas of practice

Principals work within four areas of practice to lead change and to solve problems in their schools: culture, pedagogy, systems, and partnerships and networks. The areas are described separately but in practice they overlap and interlink.


Four educational leadership qualities underpin principals’ ability to lead their schools: manaakitanga (leading with moral purpose), pono (having self belief), ako (being a learner), and awhinatanga (guiding and supporting). These qualities are at the heart of effective leadership in Aotearoa.

Our way ahead



Tena koutou katoa

It is my pleasure to introduce the Kiwi Leadership for Principals document. It represents the collaboration of a range of professionals committed to school leadership and ensuring the very best learning outcomes for our young people.


Looking from now to the future

A model of educational leadership

This educational leadership model sets out the qualities, knowledge, and skills principals need to lead 21st century schools.

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