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  • Kahl, Jo

    Wellington Girls' College

    To investigate mentoring programmes with a view to instigating a consistent, comprehensive programme for mentoring emerging leaders.

    Download: Full report (PDF 225 kB)

  • Fowler, Mike

    Hagley Community College

    To investigate how senior managers can offer effective curriculum-related leadership to teachers in charge of subjects.

    Download: Full report (PDF 171 kB)

  • Downs, Suzanne

    Napier Girls' High School

    To analyse the progress of NGHS Thinking Skills Programme by comparing with other schools, who are known for their thinking skills programmes, and assessing the thinking of the Year 13 students who commenced the programme as Year 9 students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

  • Knipping, Steven

    Bishop Viard College

    To investigate the potential of a school junior graduation model to motivate students to achieve success.

    Download: Full report (PDF 923 kB)

  • Giles, Antony

    St Patrick's College (Silverstream)

    To investigate best practice in engaging and motivating Pasifika students and to develop an action plan to drive improved Pasifika students outcomes, including recommendations for effective home-school partnerships.

  • Hales, Debra

    Timaru Girls' High School

    How to lead change in our school with respect to addressing the achievement and engagement of our Māori students.

  • Muir, Philip

    Manurewa High School

    Research focusing on coordinating a community to raise student achievement and employment outcomes in a low socio-conomic area.

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