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Tū rangatira: Māori medium educational leadership

Tū Rangatira: Māori Medium Educational Leadership (2010) presents a model of leadership that reflects some of the key leadership roles and practices that contribute to high-quality educational outcomes for Māori learners. It focuses on leadership practices, providing insights into how effective professional development programmes can work towards strengthening leaders’ capabilities, growing capacity and sustaining exemplary leadership in the Māori medium education sector.



Tēnā tātou katoa


Tū Rangatira: Māori Medium Educational Leadership is a model of leadership that reflects some of the key leadership roles and practices that contribute to high-quality educational outcomes for Māori learners.


Tū Rangatira is a resource to support and strengthen leadership of teaching and learning in schools. The content of Tū Rangatira has been guided by the wisdom of pakeke and shaped by experienced practitioners working within the Māori medium education sector.

Vision statement

Guiding principles

Tū Rangatira is guided by four underlying principles:


The guidelines for Tū Rangatira are based on the metaphor of the korowai.

Te aho tapu - focus on learners

Te aho tapu, the first and main thread of the korowai, weaves the whenu and aho of the korowai together. In the context of leadership, te aho tapu is dedicated to ngā mokopuna.

He kaitiaki - guardian

“Ka maru koe i tōku pūreke, he kahu pītongatonga”

Protecting and nurturing a caring environment where people and ideas are valued, health, safety and well-being are enhanced and relationships are strong

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