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  • Barrie, Vicki

    Northcote College

    To study examples of whole school professional learning in secondary schools and how schools build and sustain capacity for professional learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 184 kB)

  • Burns, Brenda

    Horowhenua College

    To develop a plan for Horowhenua College which provides further educational opportunities for youth in the community and encourages them to continue on in education.

  • Davidson, Julia

    Wellington Girls' College

    ERO – What actually happens in an ERO review and how can schools prepare for them better and make them more useful?

    Download: Full report (PDF 120 kB)

  • Gould, Peter

    Tauhara College

    To research effective teaching practice that will make a difference in schools similar to the decile 4-7 range in which Tauhara College sits, paying particular interest to relationship building, ICT in teaching and learning, literacy skills, teaching and learning styles and creating an effective learning environment.

  • Hanton, Nigel

    Wanganui High School

    To investigate leadership practice and change management taking into account the key themes of Kiwi Leadership for Principals and the BES School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying What Works and Why to provide a New Zealand context.

  • Hogue, John

    St Peter's College (Gore)

    To evaluate some of the structural curriculum and timetable frameworks that schools use to deliver programmes for students in secondary schools in New Zealand so as to inform next steps for St Peter's College developments in this area.

  • Ingram, Brent

    Hagley Community College

    To investigate the ways to create meaningful learning opportunities with strong learning pathways for students, who are at risk of disengagement from learning, so they can successfully engage in learning.

  • Kane, John

    Otaki College

    To assess the range of approaches taken by small NZ secondary schools to maintain a comprehensive curriculum in the senior school.

  • Macleod, David

    Mahurangi College

    To investigate ways to create classrooms that promote deep learning and understanding, ways to effectively keep parents engaged in their teenage children’s education and to see what we can learn from the education system in Finland.

    Download: Full report (PDF 730 kB)

  • McIntyre, Trevor

    Christchurch Boys' High School

    To improve capability and understanding of leadership in a crisis, and look at how changes in school structures can maximise the learning opportunities.

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