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  • Turnbull, Dave

    Cashmere High School

    Attendance at the American National Association of Secondary School Principals 90th Annual Convention and Exposition.

    Download: Full report (PDF 34 kB)

  • Walker, Andy

    Aurora College

    How can schools become more student-centred to personalise and enrich learning experiences for students?

    Download: Full report (PDF 957 kB)

  • Wood, Johanna

    Queen Elizabeth College

    1. Data analysis and how to use data effectively in leading a learning school. 2. International conference and school visits in Chicago.

    Download: Full report (PDF 56 kB)

  • Baird, Jill

    St Joseph's School (Invercargill)

    Rejuvenation and to join the review team of the diocese of Dunedin as it carries out special character reviews in Southland and Otago in both primary and secondary schools.

  • Bamford, Wendy

    Wanaka Primary School

    Leadership - the product of interactions.

    Download: Full report (PDF 367 kB)

  • Barham, Louisa

    Peachgrove Intermediate

    Investigate methods of improving student participation and engagement in the recording and reporting of their learning progress during the intermediate school years.

  • Beales, Judith

    Springfield School

    To investigate how teaching and learning programmes in rural schools in the UK have improved student achievement through government funding and support through the existence of a national body - NASS.

  • Beetham, Christine

    Weber School

    To explore how e-portfolios, are being used to record, document and monitor student achievement over time and to clarify the purpose, benefits and issues associated with their use in schools.

  • Bermingham, Glenn

    Rowley Avenue School

    To explore the potential of schools in low socio-economic areas to be a catalyst for positive change within their community.

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