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  • Douglas, David

    Te Aroha College

    Report to CoroNET principals and the Ministry of Education on selected aspects of information computer technology in CoroNET schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 138 kB)

  • Duffy, Grahame

    Hutt International Boys’ School

    Latest developments in boys education; what environmental factors create success in boys’ education; to observe good practice.

    Download: Full report (PDF 220 kB)

  • Fox, Linda

    Kelston Girls’ High School

    Report on the 2005 Knowledge Partnership conference: “Standing out in the Crowd: Managing Reputation and Marketing”.

    Download: Full report (PDF 43 kB)

  • Gargiulo, Salvatore

    Nelson College

    The performance of boys.

    Download: Full report (PDF 569 kB)

  • Gattung, Angela

    Inglewood High School

    a) Mentoring/coaching programmes for teachers; b) restorative justice programmes for students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 132 kB)

  • Harris, Ngaire

    Hauraki Plains College

    Implementing the revised curriculum: issues and implications for leadership and learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 529 kB)

  • Harrison, Alan

    Hillview Christian School

    Careers interviews; school transition at year 11; school visits; common characteristics of outstanding teachers.

    Download: Full report (PDF 410 kB)

  • Hoetawa, Carmel

    Kowhai Special School and Resource Centre

    Investigation of two evidence-based programmes in international and New Zealand Special Education settings.

    Download: Full report (PDF 67 kB)

  • Howison, Paul

    Stratford High School

    To study a variety of business administration and management techniques in order to apply them in a secondary school environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 55 kB)

  • Rosanowski, Alison J

    Darfield High School

    This sabbatical study programme encompassed two strands: the use of Formative Assessment or Assessment for Learning to improve student learning outcomes, and the use of the Value-added programme, especially MidYis and Yellis, from the Curriculum, Evaluation and Management Centre (CEM Centre) of the Universities of Durham and Canterbury, to raise student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 614 kB)

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