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  • Bokser, Lloyd

    Fenwick Primary School

    Do EDIs achieve what the Ministry of Education believe they should?

    Download: Full report (PDF 68 kB)

  • Clarke, Richard

    Vardon School

    Through principal and leadership team leadership, what current practices at Vardon School enhance teacher performance and impact on raising student achievement? What further practices may we introduce that are likely to improve the quality of learning and teaching?

    Download: Full report (PDF 38 kB)

  • Crickmer, David

    Bruce McLaren Intermediate School

    Student success: how teacher mentoring can assist in the development of a quality teacher for the classroom.

    Download: Full report (PDF 201 kB)

  • Croft, Donovan

    Kohukohu Primary School

    Mandatory curriculum testing, assessment and reporting in primary schools: three international case studies.

    Download: Full report (PDF 1 MB)

  • Daly, Kathleen

    Our Lady of the Rosary School

    Effective use of the school library in supporting information literacy development.

    Download: Full report (PDF 48 kB)

  • Davidson, Colin

    Tikipunga Primary School

    How are schools dealing with the overcrowded curriculum, and to what extent is inquiry learning being emphasised?

    Download: Full report (PDF 30 kB)

  • Dixon, Judy

    Frankton Primary School

    To investigate the Virtues Project as developed by Linda Kavelin Popov, Dan Popov and John Kavelin.

    Download: Full report (PDF 78 kB)

  • Dromgool, Jacqueline

    Holy Cross School

    Literacy professional development.

    Download: Full report (PDF 61 kB)

  • Eagles, Judy

    Maungatapere School

    Determining the success of personal development skills programmes in primary schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 122 kB)

  • Faire, John

    Mt Eden Normal Primary School

    E-learning in programmes of inquiry: It’s not what you use, but how you use it...and knowing how it uses you!

    Download: Full report (PDF 313 kB)

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