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  • Warmington, Todd

    Ruawai School

    To investigate and discuss strategies for effective transition from year 6 to a 7-13 college and year 8 to high school year 9. Bridge the gap between the reading data provided to local colleges regarding Year 6 students and the data the college collates when testing the same group of children in week 1 the following year. Investigate whether transition plays a part in this local problem

  • Wilson, Rex

    Allandale School

    Can the National Standards be used as a basis to develop students as experts in their own learning in literacy and numeracy? Can a process be developed so that assessment is learning?

    Download: Full report (PDF 223 kB)

  • Young, Maurice

    Marina View School

    To investigate how schools can maximise the potential of students reporting on their progress and achievement in ways that can enhance learning and strengthen the learning partnership between home and school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 39 kB)

  • Lawson, Barbara

    Orini Combined School

    To complete one paper of a Graduate Diploma of Educational Leadership.

  • Soar, Rob

    Whangarei Primary School

    Investigate and research the recent Kiwisport Funding Initiative introduced into primary schools in 2009 and to investigate and analyse how this funding is being used to encourage and enhance primary school children to be more involved in sporting activities in and out of school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 4 MB)

  • Boyce, John

    Garin College

    Investigate the different shapes the NZC is taking around the region and further afield on the future-focused aspects of NZC and investigate whether schools are using these in the way we are to consciously prepare our students for citizenship and employment in the society.

  • Bryan, Stephen

    Sacred Heart College (Napier)

    Travel to different Mission Sister's Schools investigating the special character charism and the place of ICT in learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 117 kB)

  • Chamberlain, Martin

    Francis Douglas Memorial College

    Deepen personal understanding of boys' education and the philosophy behind Lasallian education.

    Download: Full report (PDF 445 kB)

  • File, Roger

    Golden Bay High School

    To explore course structures at senior school levels (Years 12,13) including use of gateway and STAR funding resources in year 7 - 13.

    To carry out research into inquiry approaches to teacher professional learning that enable teacher appraisal and development cycles to link effectively into student learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 506 kB)

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