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  • Schofield, Graeme

    Greenacres School

    To investigate the effective use of student management systems for assessment and reporting.

    Download: Full report (PDF 98 kB)

  • Shannahan, Louise

    Fairlie School

    To investigate school self review models and their application for primary schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 160 kB)

  • Smith, Hugh

    Omokoroa Point School

    Travel to the UK to attend conferences, visit schools and work alongside experts in fields of interest. Extend professional reading, focus on school leadership, school improvement and differentiated/inclusive teaching practices to improve student achievement. Interview educational leaders with a view of finding answers for the assistance of students achieving below the NZ National Standards.

  • Soutar, Stephen

    Awapuni School (Palmerston North)

    To investigate best practice to deal with and manage irate parents who use intimidation and/or abuse directed at staff and students when dealing with issues. To determine whether this type of behaviour is more prevalent in a particular type of school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 98 kB)

  • Sutton, Christine

    Riwaka School

    To further the work in principal and teacher appraisal aligned to developing leadership and teacher capacity.

  • Taylor, David

    Fernside School

    Undertake research into National Standards implementation and reporting to parents and to boards by principals. Specifically end of year annual reporting.

    Download: Full report (PDF 424 kB)

  • Tester, Kay

    St Brigids School (Johnsonville)

    To continue professional learning in the area of reflective practice with a particular focus on the four major values held for the Ariki Project.

    Download: Full report (PDF 129 kB)

  • Tetzlaff, Keith

    Henderson School

    To research approaches and methods schools are using to positively manage, monitor, communicate and celebrate attendance resulting in improved attendance.

    Download: Full report (PDF 294 kB)

  • Thompson, Dennis

    Lyall Bay School

    Can student engagement be enhanced by the pursuit of innovative school building design and environmental improvements?

  • Waldron, Debra

    St Peter Chanel School (Green Island)

    Quality self review - what does it look like in practice and how does school leadership impact on self review programmes?

    Download: Full report (PDF 519 kB)

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