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  • Parkinson, Fiona

    Devon Intermediate

    To identify the key features that characterise effective middle leadership in schools.

  • Parsons, Chris

    Southern Regional Health School

    Investigate the provision of teaching in community mental health settings and international best practice in transitioning from the health school to school of origin in Aus and the UK: the provision of at home and at distance teaching by the health schools in the context of changing technologies.

  • Peters, Richard

    Tainui Full Primary School

    To focus on other effective low decile schools to find how they identify under achieving students, what targeted and focused support programmes are used and how they effectively engage with the whānau of students with relatively high learning.

  • Pitt, Vanessa

    Ruahine School

    Investigate the actions, activities, and conditions of school leaders that contribute to effective Māori student achievement and or improvements in Māori student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 110 kB)

  • Pivac, Robyn

    Marist School (Herne Bay)

    Reporting against National Standards.

    Download: Full report (PDF 163 kB)

  • Price, Brian

    Breens Intermediate

    Investigate the various models of education for year 7 & 8 students both here in NZ and Australia. Draw conclusions based around what is working well for year 7 and 8 students and whether any one model is better meeting the needs of this age group.

  • Roberts, Terry

    Portland School

    To evaluate the impact the healthy schools concept has had on the education of schools in Tai Tokerau. Visit schools in Northland who participated in the Fruit in Schools programme, Active Schools, and Sunsmart Schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 71 kB)

  • Roebuck, Greg

    New Lynn School

    Investigate 21st century leadership and research how it is impacting on student achievement within culturally diverse settings.

    Download: Full report (PDF 129 kB)

  • Ryan, Susan

    Chartwell School

    To lead learning through use of digital technology.

  • Sainsbury, Neil

    Konini Primary School (Wainuiomata)

    To explore the effectiveness of student voice and its link to personalising learning and engagement by students in their own learning and school life in general.

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