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  • Major, Martin

    Parklands School

    To investigate 'active supervision', its relationship to a reduction in disruptive behaviours in the classroom and links to improved academic performance.

    Download: Full report (PDF 35 kB)

  • Manson, Christine

    Riverhills School

    To investigate models of what 'Student Voice' for year 0-6 students looks like, the importance of 'Student Voice' and how it links to effective pedagogy and quality teaching.

  • McDonald, Alan

    Hastings Central School

    To use findings from research and school visits to develop the school's ability to maximise the benefits of teacher professional development particularly in relation to pupil learning outcomes in written language.

  • McGregor, Craig

    Kuratau School

    To investigate risk analysis and management in outdoor pursuits.

    Download: Full report (PDF 86 kB)

  • McQuillan-Mains, Rosalind

    Tainui School

    To investigate and experience strengths programmes in school and educational organisations that are based on positive psychology.

    Download: Full report (PDF 121 kB)

  • Miller, Roslyn

    Bell Block School

    To undertake research into the Restorative Justice programme, its practices in a variety of schools and to train as a facilitator in order to implement my findings into Bell Block Schools Behaviour Management Programme.

    Download: Full report (PDF 139 kB)

  • Nicholls, Danny

    St Patrick's Catholic School (Taupo)

    To investigate different models of management and staff organisation in a variety of U-5 New Zealand schools, and strategies to develop career pathways for staff.

    Download: Full report (PDF 149 kB)

  • Oliver, Charles

    Wanganui Intermediate

    Investigate leadership development opportunities provided by educational agencies and individual schools for middle and senior level leaders in England and Alberta, and compare these to opportunities in NZ.

    Download: Full report (PDF 134 kB)

  • Oliver, Shona

    Central Normal School

    Investigate leadership development opportunities provided by educational agencies and individual schools for middle and senior level leaders in England and Alberta, and compare these to opportunities in NZ.

    Download: Full report (PDF 134 kB)

  • Ostermann, Stephen

    Woodstock School

    Investigate the way schools use units to priorities the learning achievement of students and how this relates to strategic direction of the school.

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