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  • Adcock, Susan

    Warepa School

    To visit and communicate with selected schools in New Zealand and BES writers to rewrite the schools performance management systems and improve the schools self review/inquiry system so that it is robust, cyclic, evidence based and report on all aspects of the NZ Curriculum 2007 delivery.

  • Aikman, Margaret

    Hay Park School

    Investigate the potential for a school-wide positive behaviour support approach to contribute to improve academic and social student achievement in a low-decile NZ primary school.

  • Allan, Rachel

    Te Uku School

    To undertake an action research project 'Using Feedback to Improve Learning' in written language.

    Download: Full report (PDF 143 kB)

  • Allott, Rex

    Omanu School

    To investigate programmes and practices that enhance the relationship between families, communities, schools - in particular those that improve the achievement of Māori children and their whānau.

    Download: Full report (PDF 178 kB)

  • Andersen, John

    Ngataki School

    To research and analyse the success of systems and methods on how schools consult their Māori communities. Provide an action plan and achieve an overview of how increased expectation can improve Māori achievement in primary schools.

  • Armitage, Paul

    Thorrington School

    To investigate how best to utilise a Learning Management System (LMS) to enhance and complement teaching and learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 140 kB)

  • Asplin, Wayne

    Ngahinapouri School

    To research how rural schools use teacher aides to enhance student achievement. In particular how they attract quality teacher aides and the programmes they use to support student learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 113 kB)

  • Brooks, Neil

    Piopio Primary School

    Carry out an action research project at Piopio Primary involving teachers reflecting on their learning and the resulting effects that that reflection has on children's achievement, with the positive results leading to an acceptance of reflection as a vital part of the school's culture.

    Download: Full report (PDF 258 kB)

  • Campbell, Linda

    Kimbolton School

    Look at successful writing programmes and the way teachers use assessment information and data to enhance student writing.

    Download: Full report (PDF 261 kB)

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