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Care of children

What should the school do when a parent who does not have day to day care requests information and items relating to the child?


As a general rule parents should be treated the same regardless of who has more or all day to day care.

Six types of parental involvement

by Joyce Epstein

This page links to Joyce Epstein's framework on parental involvement in schools. 

Official information

How should the school respond to requests for official information?

Schools are not regularly faced with complex decisions regarding official information requests.

You need to be aware that there are timelines to follow and particular requirements for the contents of a reply to an official information request. 

Embracing cultural narratives

A cultural narrative can be your guide to threading the history and storying of mana whenua into the fabric of your school.

Building trusting relationships for school improvement

by Cori Brewster and Jennifer Railsback

This report reviews research on the importance of building trusting relationships between educators to develop effective schools and improve outcomes for students.

Care of children

Can social workers come to the school to interview or remove a child?

There are a number of occasions on which a social worker from Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children is authorised by the courts to interview or remove a child.

Understanding school employment

This guide has information on payroll, appointing staff, concurrence, and performance.

  • Jackson, Jennifer

    St Joseph's School (Oamaru)

    Inquire into a successful, evidence-based secondary school model for engaging schools.  Reflect, adapt and develop a best practice primary school model for deep engagement in learning for success.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

  • References

    Communities of learning

    A collection of sabbatical reports and other reflections on what is happening in Communities of Learning, Kāhui Ako. 

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