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School support staff: collectively making resources count

Report and case studies about schools that use effective management practices for their support staff.

Preparing for your next ERO visit

Julia Davidson, principal of Wellington Girls' College, provides practical advice for principals who are preparing for a visit from the Education Review Office.

Learning during change

The idea of learning during times of change may seem challenging, but it is crucial. We need to learn fast as we are taking action.

Iain McGilchrist – Network learning communities

A case study for Learning from the Middle.

Te Hurihanganui

Te Hurihanganui began in six communities across Aotearoa in October 2020. The Ministry of Education is supporting these communities for three years. 

Evaluating practices in relation to outcomes

Carol Jarrett – Leading pedagogical change

A case study for Learning from the Middle.

6. The importance of language, identity and culture

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