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Professional readings

This page features a selection of the articles and resources on this website. You can find others through the site's navigation menus.

Governance and management: various

What are the principal’s responsibilities in relation to the provision of guidance and counselling?

The school’s principal is required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that students get good guidance and counselling.

Leadership strategy

The Leadership Strategy for the teaching profession of Aotearoa New Zealand (2018) presents a system-level approach to developing leadership capability for teaching professionals.

A systematic approach to elevating teacher leadership

by Learning Forward authors

This guide provides a practical process for designing or reviewing teacher leadership in your context.

Mandatory reporting

When must a principal report the dismissal or departure of a teacher to the Teaching Council?

Mandatory reporting

Mandatory reporting of possible serious misconduct

The employer of a teacher must immediately report to the Teaching Council if it has reason to believe that the teacher has engaged in serious misconduct.


What happens when an employee’s competence is questioned?

For all matters relating to complaints you are advised to contact NZSTA in the first instance.

Building effective learning environments

Effective principals are knowledgeable about learning and the individual needs of different students in their particular context.

Student voice in professional inquiry

Students talking

In these videos students and teachers at Pakuranga College describe how being involved in professional inquiry together has made a difference to their experience of learning and teaching.

West Auckland principals collaborate

In 2007 a group of principals from a range of schools in Waitakere, West Auckland joined forces to see if they could work together to make a difference to student outcomes across the region. This story explains how they did it.

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