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  • McGuinness, Paul

    Campion College

    Review literature on personalising learning for students, focusing on project-based, real-world experiences; and develop a model to be used by a secondary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 364 kB)

  • Meynell, Christopher

    Marewa School

    Investigate culturally responsive pedagogies and learning approaches that are creating positive learning outcomes for priority learners. Gather information about how cultural relationships are reflected in the pedagogy and curriculum of schools.  

    Download: Full report (PDF 281 kB)

  • Leov, Deborah

    Linkwater School

    Examine how teaching principals manage the complexities of their roles, including what strategies they use to ensure long term sustainability and personal well being.

    Download: Full report (PDF 122 kB)

  • Contact us

    Professional learning: leading culture

    This excellent seven-page resource is useful as a discussion document for leadership teams who are inquiring into the structures and approaches they have for teacher professional learning and development.

    Professional learning

    When principals create opportunities for teachers to work collaboratively and share evidence-informed practice with each other, everyone feels a collective responsibility for students' learning. 

    Leading cultural change

    Leading cultural change involves an understanding of leadership skills and an appreciation of the development of cultures in a school setting.

    Rights and responsibilities: various

    How should a school manage privacy issues including disclosure or correction of personal information?

    Privacy is an important responsibility for school boards and staff members. Complying with the Privacy Act 2020 is not usually a complicated issue for schools. 

    Other issues

    What is the function of the Privacy Commissioner?

    The Privacy Commissioner has wide ranging functions covering promotion and maintenance of the proper collection, storage and disclosure of personal information.

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