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Search and confiscation

All schools have to provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff.

Schools can search and confiscate student property providing you comply with the legislation and you can justify your actions as reasonable and necessary to keep the environment safe. 

Students: various

What responsibilities does the school have in relation to students outside of school hours or outside the grounds?

Travel to and from school

Generally a student’s family is expected to take overall responsibility for a student before they arrive at school and after they leave.

Older students who are trusted by their families to make their own choices and decisions will take on their own responsibility. Others such as transport operators, community members and the Police all play different roles in relation to the travel of students.

Students: various

What disciplinary or behaviour management ability does the school have in relation to students outside of school hours?

Generally students are not considered to be within the jurisdiction of the board or principal outside of school time and off the school site.

Care of children

What is a family group conference and what part can schools play?

A family group conference is a semi-formal intervention with a child’s family, whānau or family group to sort out problems with the child's or young person’s care and protection or offending.

Care of children

How can guardianship or family issues affect a school?

A number of guardianship or family issues may involve the school. Generally schools and their staff are not expected to arbitrate or mediate in family issues. Most are best resolved by families themselves, or the Family Court if the family cannot reach agreement. 

Care of children

What are schools’ responsibilities to report suspected abuse, ill treatment or neglect to Oranga Tamariki or the Police?

Care of children

What are the school’s responsibilities regarding protection orders?

Protection orders are issued by the Family Court and must be treated seriously by schools.

Community, whānau, family

Community, whānau, family

Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective

This 2012 research report draws together findings from research on current practice and futures-thinking in education. It was commissioned to help develop a vision of what future-oriented education could look like for New Zealand learners.

Shifting to 21st century thinking

by New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER)

This website provides ideas and resources to help people make the shift to 21st century ways of thinking about learning. 

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