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Leading staff

Effective principals actively lead staff by challenging and supporting staff.

Changing practice through distributing leadership

by Peter Witana

Over a number of years teachers at Kawakawa Primary School were involved in sustained professional learning that led them to make fundamental changes to their teaching practice.

Basic principles of law for school leaders

You don’t need to be a lawyer to be a school leader, but you do need to understand how natural justice, judge-made law and legislation affect your role. These basic principles will help you.

Board of trustees

What is the role of a school board of trustees?

The school’s board of trustees is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and management of the school.

Board of trustees

Can a board close a school if there is an emergency?

A school board of trustees may at any time close a school it administers because of epidemic, flood, fire, or other emergency.

Student enrolment

What if a family supplies inaccurate or incorrect information about where they live?

The application address provided must be the student's usual place of residence when the school is open for instruction. 

Student enrolment

Who has responsibility for enrolment records for students?

It is the principal’s responsibility to ensure that an enrolment record is kept for every enrolled student.

Governance and management: various

Can the Ministry of Education enter and inspect a school?

Most interaction with the Ministry of Education will be by mutual agreement. The Secretary for Education may, however, authorise a person to inspect a registered school. 

Rights to free education

What fees can be charged by schools?

The Education Act specifically allows for free enrolment and free education for domestic students aged between 5 and 19 years.

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