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Inviting innovation: leading meaningful change in schools

by Mark Osborne

This article uses three New Zealand-based scenarios to exemplify aspects of the change process in three different school situations. 

  • McGowan, Simon

    Opua School

    Investigate how fluid the New Zealand education system is in allowing for movement of educational professionals between the primary and secondary sectors.

    View report here or download below.

    Download: Full report (PDF 110 kB)

  • Managing your time

    This guide offers some suggestions to help you to manage your own time and other's time agendas.

    Developing leadership capacity in others

    by Kristin Huggins et al

    Investigates the personal capacities of six experienced high school principals in the US who are well known for developing formal and informal leaders in their schools.

    What ought I to do, all things considered? An approach to the exploration of ethical problems by teachers

    by Alan Hall

    This paper is an introduction to exploring ethical issues and problems within the educational context. It includes a brief theoretical framework regarding the importance of taking an ethical approach to solving difficult issues and two compelling case studies from New Zealand schools as examples.

    Ongoing school self-review

    Effective self-review processes ensure there is a systematic approach to improving the school’s learning environment and maximising students' learning opportunities.

    Rethinking school-wide self-review: a New Zealand model and application

    Cashmere Primary School in Christchurch was already well set up in terms of school development and review processes. Principal Jacqui Duncan used her sabbatical time to think about ways to advance their practices of critical school-wide self-review. This article examines the process that she used.

    Professional standards for primary school principals

    Professional standards for area school principals

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