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  • Graham, Lindy

    Craighead Diocesan School

    Investigate what leadership practices, curriculum opportunities, and multi-faceted approaches promote student wellbeing, learning and achievement in New Zealand state-integrated (Anglican) schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 316 kB)

  • Spittle, Natasha

    Drummond Primary School

    Research parent engagement initiatives in Southland schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 190 kB)

  • Witheford, Ben

    Shotover Primary School

    Study the Cynefin Framework as an approach for solving problems.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

  • Other issues

    What is the role of an Ombudsman?

    An Ombudsman may investigate complaints regarding acts, omissions, decisions, and recommendations of school boards of trustees and their staff.

    When an Ombudsman determines to investigate a complaint, he or she forms an independent opinion as to whether or not the act or omission was unreasonable, unjust, oppressive, improperly discriminatory, contrary to law, or wrong. Where appropriate, an Ombudsman may also make a recommendation for the resolution of a complaint.

    Common areas of complaint concern stand-downs, suspensions and when information requested by a parent or caregiver has not been supplied to them.

    The Official Information Act covers all requests for information from a school except for requests for personal information which are covered by the Privacy Act (e.g. request from a student for their own file).

    More information regarding the role of an Ombudsman can be found on the website of the Ombudsman New Zealand.

    Updated: June 2017

  • King, Pam

    Wairau Valley Special School

    Investigate how students in the mainstream with special learning and behavioural challenges can have their learning needs supported in an Innovative Learning Environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 322 kB)

  • McCallum, Mark

    Taonui School

    Research the possible methods of adopting a Growth Mindset pedagogical approach to leaching and learning in order to reduce curriculum anxiety.

    Download: Full report (PDF 195 kB)

  • Mirams, Sarah

    East Tamaki School

    Investigate how to shift the school from a predominant focus on student voice to developing a culture of student agency, where students will be leaders of change and have an authentic partnership role in strategic decision making.

    Download: Full report (PDF 982 kB)

  • Pasley, Sandy

    Baradene College

    Research best practice in STEM education in schools in the USA and UK, and ways of enhancing oracy development in the UK.

    Download: Full report (PDF 382 kB)

  • Geerlofs, Rick

    Kaikorai Valley College

    Research innovative practices that are operating outside of the norm that we could modify to fit our school setting and better meet student academic and pastoral needs. Visit schools in New Zealand and overseas and attend a conference.

    Download: Full report (PDF 552 kB)

  • Dobric, Karen

    Papatoetoe High School

    Visit schools and organisations to look at different ways of managing the curriculum to ensure good secondary to tertiary or work transitions, and identify what contributes to making them successful.

    Download: Full report (PDF 332 kB)

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