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  • de Thierry, Garry

    Rotorua Intermediate

    Undertake extensive observations of Visible Learning in action in a range of schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 114 kB)

  • Harvie, Linda

    Farm Cove Intermediate

    Research what a wellbeing curriculum could look like for year 7 and 8 students, by examining professional readings, conducting interviews with researchers, visiting schools and attending a relevant conference.

    Download: Full report (PDF 466 kB)

  • Mulcahy, Peter

    Browns Bay School

    Investigate the design options that best suit our school context, in particular our pedagogical beliefs and practices, to ensure even better outcomes for student learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 714 kB)

  • Wolfgram, Lana

    Totara Grove School

    Further research and write up a case study of the student wellbeing and resilience building programmes that we have developed in our school over the past two years.

    Download: Full report (PDF 673 kB)

  • Ropati, Iva

    Howick College

    Research how schools change or adapt school systems and structures to deliberately support the achievement of boys.

    Download: Full report (PDF 832 kB)

  • Whitehead, Graeme

    Excellere College

    Investigate how to better engage senior college students in a school's special character. I will also attend the New Zealand Association of Christian Schools (NZACS) Teachers' Conference, with our staff, as part of my personal PLD.

    Download: Full report (PDF 822 kB)

  • Luckin, Dee

    St John Bosco School (New Plymouth)

    Find out what makes true collaboration, and better understand how professional collaboration can make a difference to student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 226 kB)

  • Key leadership documents

    This section has Ministry of Education guides on leadership in New Zealand schools. 

  • Walker, Tracy

    Waitaki Girls' High School

    Research how other schools are implementing competencies to build resilience in learning and develop a growth mindset in learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 463 kB)

  • Vanderlaan, Thomas

    Waiuku College

    Interview leaders, across-school teachers, in-school teachers and principals in five kāhui ako, and review published material.

    Download: Full report (PDF 456 kB)

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