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  • Livingstone, Sharon

    Otatara School

    Engage in professional learning in relation to the development of ecological identity and literacy as a means to support and enhance culturally sustainable practices in our school.

  • Westfield, Jan

    Rawhitiroa School

    Complete Masters of Education in professional learning. Look closely into why some professional learning and development is more sustainable than others.

  • Fox, Ricardo

    Mayfair School

    Investigate the implementation of tier 3 and post-tier 3 Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) internationally to support PB4L anti-bullying programmes in the school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 553 kB)

  • Overton, Murray

    Kaiapoi Borough School

    Investigate effective coaching practice for leaders and its use to lift and accelerate student achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 158 kB)

  • Peterson, Germaine

    Waikowhai School

    Investigate reading programmes that raise the reading achievement of Māori and Pasifika students in a digital, innovative learning environment.

    Download: Full report (PDF 923 kB)

  • Hassall, Susan

    Hamilton Boys' High School

    Investigate the critical link between relational teaching and success for boys, from those who are gifted to those who are most at risk.

    Download: Full report (PDF 413 kB)

  • Ashworth, Gael

    Wellington East Girls' College

    Investigate how New Zealand schools are implementing integration and project- or problem-based learning at the senior level.

    Download: Full report (PDF 158 kB)

  • Hastings, Sandy

    Beckenham Te Kura o Puroto

    How can I ensure our school is inclusive of gender-diverse people, particularly gender-diverse students and their whānau, and also gender-diverse staff, whānau and wider community?

  • Knell, Vicki

    Omokoroa Point School

    Investigate a positive psychology in schools, teacher and student wellbeing, and the development of Healthy Schools.

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