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  • Glasgow, Mavis

    Buckland School

    Investigate successful transition to primary school and to secondary school. Visit early childhood education providers including Kohanga Reo and schools, and talk to family groups and students in the local area.

    Download: Full report (PDF 486 kB)

  • Harrison, Sue

    St Patrick's School (Kaponga)

    Investigate student development and behaviour in relation to transitioning into intermediate and high schools, especially from U1 and U2 rural schools into larger urban intermediate or high schools, including boarding options. Investigate what transitioning practice is working well for students' engagement in high schools. Consult Māori whānau and students in line with Māori students achieving as Māori and taking into consideration iwi aspirations for their tamariki.

    Download: Full report (PDF 92 kB)

  • Heatley, Liz

    Sacred Heart School (Petone)

    Investigate transition to secondary school. Visit Catholic full primary schools with similar cultural percentages to my own school (10.7% Māori, 37.7% Pasifika) to see how they prepare and transition their year 8 students, including priority students, to secondary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 130 kB)

  • Building relationships with whānau, hapū, and iwi

    Leaders who build enduring, reciprocal relationships with mana whenua understand the importance of Māori kids knowing who they are and where they're from.

    Moving from strategic planning to collective action

    by Matt Levinson

    In this blog post, the head of a Seattle school describes how research and design teams are implementing the school's strategic vision and keeping innovation moving.

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  • Lindsay, Jane

    Paihia School

    What it means to be an empowered learner. Explore collaborative learning environments where students have self directed learning opportunities by doing something creatively or differently.

    Download: Full report (PDF 226 kB)

  • Ryan, Glen

    St Anne's Catholic School (Manurewa)

    Research digital and collaborative approaches to teaching and learning in an innovative learning environment that is culturally responsive to accelerate learning for Māori and Pasifika students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 78 kB)

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