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  • Severinsen, Annabelle

    Waihao Downs School

    Investigate the impact that David Learning Strategies (DLS) has in other schools in NZ, especially for Māori underachievers and children who demonstrate dyslexic learning traits. Compare the acceleration due to DLS of learners from low and high decile schools. Explore how the DLS reflects the latest neuro-science, mindfulness and theory and practices of learning research.

    Download: Full report (PDF 869 kB)

  • White, Doug

    Clyde School

    Review the Education Review Office report on student wellbeing and investigate how to use the indicators to guide school leaders and teachers. Analyse trends in our students' responses to the NZCER Me and My School survey. Review Positive Schools based on the work on Positive Psychology by Martin Seligman. Review the work of Jill Pears, Diamond Harbour School, who was the lead educator of the Bays Cluster Education pilot in 2016.

    Download: Full report (PDF 561 kB)

  • Dibben, Chris

    Tawhero School

    Collate and share effective early identification and intervention strategies or systems that support students years 0-5 at risk and their whānau.

    Download: Full report (PDF 34 kB)

  • Complaints

    Complaints from parents

    Parents may, from time to time, make allegations or complaints ranging from a lack of positive learning opportunities or poor teaching to emotional abuse of students.

    Personal grievance

    What is discrimination under the Employment Relations Act?

    It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee on a number of grounds, such as sex, race, union membership and other.

    Contact NZSTA in the first instance.


    How do you deal with a harassment complaint?

    For all matters relating to complaints you are advised to contact NZSTA in the first instance.

    The obligations of the employer when receiving a complaint of harassment are covered in section 69 of the Human Rights Act 1993. It provides that an employer must take reasonably practicable steps when receiving a complaint in writing from an employee that he or she has been harassed. The employer must look into the circumstances and if satisfied that such a situation occurred take reasonable steps to ensure that the behaviour is not repeated.

    Updated: October 2011

    Personal grievance

    What if someone other than the employer harasses an employee?

    If an employee is harassed by a person other than the employer or employer's representative (a contractor, parent or student) then the employee may make a complaint to the employer.

    Contact NZSTA in the first instance.

    Personal grievance

    What is a personal grievance?

    Employees may raise a personal grievance but time restrictions apply.

    There are various types of personal grievance including:

    • Unjustified dismissal or action
    • Discrimination
    • Sexual harassment
    • Racial harassment
    • Duress
    • Failing to adhere to proper procedures when restructuring

     Contact NZSTA in the first instance.

    Updated: October 2011

    Employment: various

    How should staff illness and incapacity be dealt with?

    Where an employee is incapable of carrying out the requirements of their employment then action may need to be taken. For all matters relating to incapacity contact NZSTA.

    Board of trustees

    How can tension between a principal and a board of trustees be resolved?

    A good relationship between the principal and board is crucial to the effective running of a school. But, from time to time, tensions will arise. In the interest of effective governance all parties should avoid blame and instead enter into a proactive process to resolve tensions and resolve poor communication.

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