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  • Cairns, Erin

    Ruru Special School

    Investigate the current tertiary pathway options available for students 16+ who have supported learning needs – in Southland, elsewhere in the country and Australia – and how our school can engage better with providers to expand the range of options.

    Download: Full report (PDF 486 kB)

  • Smith, Mark

    Papakowhai School

    Research effective leadership practices by school principals in Communities of Learning, Kāhui Ako that contribute to effective communication, high levels of relational trust, and collaboration on shared achievement challenges.

    Download: Full report (PDF 614 kB)

  • Stuart, Hamish

    Foxton Beach School

    Look at schools that are having success with their Māori learners. What steps had they put in place to achieve accelerated learning? What could I do differently at Foxton Beach School?

    Download: Full report (PDF 77 kB)

  • Moyle, Warwick

    Kaharoa School

    Investigate play-based learning in the early years of primary schooling alongside the Reggio Emillia approach, and the impacts they have on children's learning and transition from early childhood education.

    Download: Full report (PDF 384 kB)

  • Wallis, Jane

    Te Matauranga

    Investigate the Reggio Emilia approach to children's learning in the area of early literacy skills, particularly oral and written language.

    Download: Full report (PDF 240 kB)

  • Derbidge, Alan

    Otaki School

    Investigate the impact of the Learning with Digital Technologies implementation on student outcomes at Otaki School.

    Download: Full report (PDF 113 kB)

  • Russell, Karen

    Northcote College

    Inquire into the range of practices used in New Zealand intermediate and secondary schools to accelerate the achievement of priority learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 90 kB)

  • Savage, Andrew

    Wellington High School and Com Ed Centre

    Investigate schools' strategies and best practice for developing a culture of engagement with students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 458 kB)

  • Basher, Andrew

    Buller High School

    Investigate how to enhance boys' education and achievement in a rural setting and how digital technology is being used to support boys' education and achievement in these settings. Develop an implementation plan for my school to improve the achievement of boys.

    Download: Full report (PDF 1 MB)

  • McDougall, Shannon

    Tokoiti School

    Visit schools and institutions in NZ and the UK that are implementing the concepts that the Crisis Prevention Institute delivers through the Managing Actual or Potential Aggression courses (MAPA). Gather information about best practice in MAPA training, implementation, monitoring and record keeping in school communities. Also, look at digital fluency and how learning in this area can support students who are struggling with current learning contexts and link this to the MAPA concepts.

    Download: Full report (PDF 982 kB)

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