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  • Keohane, Lynne

    Anchorage Park School

    To improve transitioning to Anchorage School for priority learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 794 kB)

  • McCreery, Philip

    Cambridge High School

    Curriculum pathways for senior students.

    Download: Full report (PDF 246 kB)

  • Philp, Faye Jennifer

    Carlson School (Cerebral Palsy)

    Investigate current transition options for students (in three main centres NZ, NSW, Aus) with very high physical and complex needs (VHPC) as they move from school to life beyond school programmes. Provide the NZ Govt with compelling and rigorous findings that will influence perspective, policy, and funding for effective transition for students with VHPC needs to a purposeful adult life.

    Download: Full report (PDF 1 MB)

  • Smith, Graham

    Allenton School

    To examine the characteristics of successful transitioning of new students into primary school and identify the most successful characteristics for use in an induction or teacher awareness process for schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 169 kB)

  • Taylor, Janice

    St Bernadette's School (Forbury)

    Understanding the key competencies at the pre-school to school transition stage.

    Download: Full report (PDF 347 kB)

  • Ward, Kay

    Carew Peel Forest School

    Investigate the impact on rural schools where increased dairy farming has resulted in a growing population of transient students. What practices and strategies are effective in transitioning students between schools?

    Download: Full report (PDF 4 MB)

  • Mabin, Rosemary

    Inglewood High School

    Visit similar New Zealand schools – rural, state secondary schools that are the only secondary schools in their community with a number of contributing primary schools, preferably providing years 7 and 8 technology.

    Download: Full report (PDF 261 kB)

  • Healthy relationships: the foundation of a positive school climate

    by Megan Tschannen-Moran

    This interview-cum-article discusses relationships of trust in school settings and how these relationships are related to important outcomes such as the collective-efficacy, teacher professionalism, and student achievement.

  • Stone, Kieran

    John Paul II High School

    Investigate change management in 21st Century Catholic secondary schools in Australasia.

    Download: Full report (PDF 76 kB)

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