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  • Gully, Hugh

    Nelson Intermediate

    Investigate effective transition practices for male students from intermediate to college. Review stand down, suspension and exclusion data. Identify 'good practice'.

    Download: Full report (PDF 65 kB)

  • Hewetson, Sandra

    Western Heights School (Auckland)

    Action research project on transitioning five-year-olds into the context of a primary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 112 kB)

  • Gray, Mary

    St Joseph's School (Kaikoura)

    To review how schools implement the transition from ECE to primary education.

  • How, Joanne

    Roslyn School

    To gather information and strategies to support the development of specific programmes that will enhance the skills of our students that enter our new entrant classes.

    Download: Full report (PDF 3 MB)

  • Kellaway, Karen

    Canvastown School

    To extend understanding of and investigate best practice for students and their families, when transitioning from early childhood education centres to primary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 121 kB)

  • Leigh, Brenda

    Hiwinui School

    To investigate the differences in expectations and identified transition issues between primary and secondary schools, and how rural schools are successfully transitioning students and minimising the impact of difference expectations.

    Download: Full report (PDF 586 kB)

  • Keohane, Lynne

    Anchorage Park School

    Improving the transition of Anchorage Park students to intermediate school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 115 kB)

  • Knight, Kevin

    Riverview Primary School

    Transition to primary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 71 kB)

  • McKenzie, Keith

    Invercargill Middle School

    A principals’ guide to transitioning pre-schoolers with special needs into primary school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 165 kB)

  • Powell, Ros

    Somerset Crescent School

    Transitioning 5-year-olds to school.

    Download: Full report (PDF 58 kB)

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