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  • Buckley, Jo

    St Bernadette's School (Naenae)

    How we can be more deliberate in our teaching to provide learning experiences that improve the oral language of our students including vocabulary and structure, to enhance the educational achievement and outcomes for Māori and Pasifika leaners, especially our high proportion of Pasifika students who are English language learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 68 kB)

  • Posthumus, Rob

    Hurupaki School

    Investigate how flexible innovative learning spaces are designed to maximise teacher collaborations, student self-regulation and student-centred learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 747 kB)

  • opportunity-2105406_640

    Leadership strategy image cropped

    Leadership strategy image cropped

    Capabilty framework image cropped

    NZC Scenario #68 Planning 05-Anthony-Pauline-Sue

    NZC Scenario #58 Interacting 12 Van

    NZC Scenario #63 Electronics 15 Henri-Victor copy

  • Kimber, Mary

    Waiau School

    Research how schools are engaging and connecting to their communities, and based on my findings, develop a robust communication plan relevant for our school to ensure all aspects of communication are effective and well managed.

    Download: Full report (PDF 210 kB)

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