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  • Buckland, Wayne

    Bream Bay College

    To research – and subsequently implement – using ICT, change management and capacity building to enhance learning by following the Michael Fullan Stratosphere model.

  • Jennings, Carmen

    Discovery School

    Research to better understand dyslexia and how best to identify and work with students who have dyslexia.

    Download: Full report (PDF 127 kB)

  • Tonks, Selena

    Grovetown School

    Research how small schools, U1 and U2, develop, sustain and improve leadership capabilities of pupils and staff.

    Download: Full report (PDF 123 kB)

  • Van Zyl, Timothy

    Te Awa School

    Investigate the implementation of successful anti-bullying programmes or teaching strategies that have a direct impact on the culture of the school. Form partnerships with schools in both the UK and Finland that have successfully implemented the KiVa anti-bullying programme in their schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 254 kB)

  • Whiting, Michele

    Corinna School

    Leading in a complex world – understanding the “why”. Explore thinking about leadership to support transformational change to meet students’ needs as 21st Century learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 527 kB)

  • Oliver, Charles and Shona

    Wanganui Intermediate, Central Normal School

    Research the difference that innovative learning pedagogy makes to the achievement of priority learners with a particular focus on the achievement of Māori learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 233 kB)

  • Diamond, Trevor

    Henderson South School

    Gain a better understanding of the cultural background and schooling experiences of Samoan migrant children attending school in NZ by visiting schools in Samoa. Research strategies and successful programmes operating in NZ schools that accelerate Pacific (predominantly bilingual Samoan) students' learning.

    Download: Full report (PDF 428 kB)

  • Turrel, James

    Limehills School

    Collect data to support or challenge our intuitively held beliefs about the strengths and weaknesses of our school's curriculum design.

    Download: Full report (PDF 336 kB)

  • Shanahan, Mark

    Waitakere College

    Investigate how to sustain school culture during change. Visit eight schools in America and England and two school districts that have a history of exceptional leadership on raising and maintaining student achievement for mixed community schools. Confirm first-hand the strategic review cycles, systems and structures that the schools have in place to maintain positive learning cultures.

    Download: Full report (PDF 213 kB)

  • Coddington, Carol

    St Dominic's Catholic College (Henderson)

    Research modern learning environments and pedagogy, and the pros and cons.

    Download: Full report (PDF 171 kB)

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