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  • Olivier, David

    St Peter's College (Palmerston North)

    To explore the ways lead schools in NZ are using ICT to improve teaching and learning with regards to the NZ curriculum, with special reference to how these schools are improving student achievement as a result of the use of ICT. To attend the International Confederation of Principals Conference in Toronto, Canada.

    Download: Full report (PDF 342 kB)

  • Sandifer, Wendy

    Torbay School

    To research how current educational practices can help build e-learning capacity within the school to meet the needs of 21st century learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 125 kB)

  • Scott, Raymond

    Aquinas College

    To examine the experiences and successes of other catholic schools to maintain and strengthen the schools' own charism, and investigate how different devices available to students and staff could best be used in teaching and learning ICT at the college.

    Download: Full report (PDF 85 kB)

  • Sharp, Craig

    North Street School

    Research the use of ICT by students in learning across the curriculum.

    Download: Full report (PDF 181 kB)

  • Stewart, Karen

    Marlborough Girls' College

    To investigate the directions that eLearning could take in the future at Marlborough Girls’ College and in the Marlborough Educational Community.

    Download: Full report (PDF 340 kB)

  • Simpson, Peter

    Belfast School

    Investigate if digital learning engages and enhances learning and the implications of this particularly for priority learners.

    Download: Full report (PDF 84 kB)

  • Sutherland, Margaret

    South Featherston School

    To explore the benefits of students learning in a full immersion e-learning environment as opposed to following a blended learning programme as a strategy to increase student achievement and engagement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 369 kB)

  • Wilson, Mark

    Cashmere High School

    Investigating the effectiveness of modern learning environments on improving student learning and achievement.

    Download: Full report (PDF 790 kB)

  • Barnett, Peter

    Parkland School (P North)

    To enquire into the development and use of e-portfolios at the primary school level and the impact of these as tools to enhance learning and parent, teacher, student partnerships.

    Download: Full report (PDF 217 kB)

  • Boxen, Willem

    Ponsonby Intermediate

    Strengthen the school's use of ICT to enhance learning and teaching and in particular best practice of, and protocols surrounding, the implementation and use of Bring Your Own Device strategies.

    Download: Full report (PDF 2 MB)

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