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  • Hunter, Clifford

    Tahuna Normal Intermediate

    To explore 21st century future-focused pedagogies in the NZ education environment and how modern learning environments and E-learning/ ICT facilitate these.

  • Laurenson, John

    Shirley Boys' High School

    What is “21st century learning” or “future learning”?

    Download: Full report (PDF 192 kB)

  • Lee-Kelleher, Keryl

    Makuri School

    To investigate whether e-learning or blended learning has the greater positive impact on student engagement and achievement.

  • MacKenzie, Jennifer

    St Mary's Catholic School (Putaruru)

    Investigate how digital technology can be used to enhance and accelerate the progress of students who are below the standard in literacy and mathematics.

  • MacMillan, David

    St Mary's Catholic School (Rotorua)

    Inquire into how and why e-portfolios are being used in schools.

  • Maré, Carol

    Long Bay College

    The use of digital technology.

    Download: Full report (PDF 3 MB)

  • McDonald, Murray

    Aberdeen School

    To look at systems and leadership in ICT in a variety of Queensland schools.

  • McGlone, Elizabeth

    Oromahoe School

    To explore the use of Web2.0 technologies and other ICT tools to support guided inquiry and collaborative learning experiences in our school community; to learn to use these tools myself and increase my pedagogical skills in facilitating students higher order thinking through Web 2.0; to investigate strategies for engaging the school community in guided inquiry initiatives.

    Download: Full report (PDF 132 kB)

  • Nevezie, Cyril

    Stanhope Road School

    Conduct professional reading related to the ICTPD Cluster, attend the 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research of Learning and Instruction (UK) and visit schools that are leaders in ICT or use SOLO.

    Download: Full report (Word 6 MB)

  • Restieaux, Colleen

    Cardinal McKeefry School (Wilton)

    To improve understanding of application of some web2 technologies and related implications with reference to primary schools.

    Download: Full report (PDF 229 kB)

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